May 21, 2008

my wandering thoughts

I just bought a lens for my DSLR. Not so expensive but not so cheap either. I bought it for its zooming capability rather than its IQ as they say it. It has a very bad review on the net but for me, the lens deserves the market for its versatility. I love taking candid pictures rather than the "posed" one... And with this lens, I think I can have a lot of unknowing subject that tells lots of stories rather than conscious subject that projects the best face they can. I love recording moments but I haven't gotten into the serious side of it. I just love to use the camera for events, and for the satisfaction it offers...

I got a picture of the grass last weekend. It reminds me of highschool, it reminds me of the purity of ones heart. It reminds me of deep kindness, and total freedom. It reminds me innocense. It reminds me of God's closeness to us.

In another view, it is a kind of worship, a kind of reverence, and gratitude of the things God provides for us. Through the lens, through the grass, the warm sunlight, and the memories that rushes through... I praise God as I review the photos I took.

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